Unbuckled: Getting to Know Trevor Lyman


Hometown: Hinesburg, VT

Division: Lenny’s Shoe & Apparel Flying Tigers

Car: Vermont Higher Education Investment Plan administered by VSAC #17 Chevy Monte Carlo

2017 Season: Finished fourth in Tiger points (4 feature wins)


What are your favorite non-racing hobbies?

Hunting obviously, and golf. I’m a big-time golfer.

How long have you been golfing?

10 years, since I last quit racing. This year I played four or five times, but before that, in the 10 years I wasn’t racing, I would play probably 30 times a year. It didn’t take me long to drop the golf clubs and put on the racing shoes though.

What do you do for work?

I’m a salesman at Iroquois Manufacturing. I’ve been doing that for 12 years.

What is your biggest life accomplishment so far?

My eight-year-old daughter Brenna. She said hi in the background.

Hi Brenna. So what are your current racing plans for 2018? Do you have any goals?

We’re going to clip the race car this winter and be back for another season. As for goals, probably to win the championship like everybody else, right?

What was the highlight of the 2017 season for you?

The highlight of my season was getting back in the race car and spending time with my father (Gregg). Obviously we won a lot of races and had some podium finishes, but there’s nothing like spending that quality time with Dad.

You’d been out of racing for a while before this year. What was it like finally getting back behind the wheel after so long?

It was a lot of fun, obviously. I thought it was going to take me a lot longer to remember things, but it was maybe only two or three races into the season that everything came back to me.

How did you get started in racing?

My father. He’s been doing it his whole life. I was 19 years old, and I think he had done everything he had, and he wanted to pass it down. He asked me if I wanted to do it, and I said yes. And after about two or three races the first time I drove a race car, I was like, “this is not for me. I’m horrible.” (Laughs) But it came to me after about a year and half. The first year was tough though. It took a long time – it’s not easy. But we got it after a while.

Tell me about your family?

My sister Shanda (Driscoll) is extremely active in the sport – she spots for the #17VT Late Model (Darrell Morin). Obviously there’s my father, his wife Andrea, my daughter Brenna, I have my mom, my sisters, aunts, uncles, and everybody else that supports me.

What’s your dream vacation?

I hate to say it, but a golf vacation. Something like a 7-10 day venture with some guys playing golf. Outside of racing, I just love golf!

Any particular course(s) you’d want to go to?

Probably all the prominent ones. The Myrtle Beach courses. Augusta National would be fun to play. Bethpage Black in New York – those are all good golf courses.

If someone turned on the radio/media player in your car, what would they most likely be listening to?

It depends on my mood, but I’d say country or pop music. I’m horrible at artists though. And lyrics too – I can maybe go for a few lyric lines, but nothing beyond that.

If someone asked you to appear on a TV show, which one would you want it to be and why?

Family Feud.  Steve Harvey is awesome – he’s funny. I’d want to be on Family Feud versus the Lanphears. Throw a little controversy in there, right? (Laughs)

Who is your biggest supporter at the track?

My father is my number one supporter, but my sister Shanda too – she’s right up there. We stepped away for 10 years, and she stayed with it the whole 10 years we were gone. That says a lot about her love for the sport. So I’d say she ranks pretty high.

Who or what has had the greatest influence on your racing career?

Definitely my father. He’s the go-to guy – the man behind the scenes, per se. I drive the car, I tell him what it’s doing, and he adjusts it. It’s a good combination between the two of us.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Be yourself.

Short but sweet.

Yup. (Laughs)

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

That’s a good question. There’s a lot going on in my life right now, but hopefully in five years I’ll be happier than ever.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

I would own a golf course and have two or three Late Models – one each for weekly racing and for touring.